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Economic Mobility Guide

From Solutions Journalism, a guide for storytellers and journalists that provide guidance, examples, and ideas for discussing topics across economic mobility and poverty, including avoiding stereotypes and orienting stories towards solutions.

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National Guest User National Guest User

Do No Harm Guide

From the Urban Institute, this guide provides communications and design considerations for data storytelling regarding racial equity.

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Data for an Inclusive Economic Recovery

In this report, the National Skills Coalition looks at metrics that address structural inequities for federal investments in workforce development, including enhanced outcome metrics and identifying and addressing workforce equity gaps.

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Cluster Growth Toolkit

From ICIC, this report explores four models of inclusive clusters, including definitions, cluster identification and analysis, and workforce considerations.

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Beyond Inclusion: Equity in Public Engagement

Researchers at Simon Fraser University outline eight core principles to guide the inclusion of diverse voices in public engagement initiatives. This guide includes addressing barriers to accessibility and engaging participants with lived experiences.

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U.S. Cluster Mapping

Created with support from the EDA, this platform analyzes and summarizes several open data sets that identify regional clusters by location and industry.

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Theil's H Index

A metric of racial segregation that indicates how evenly members of racial and ethnic groups are distributed across a region as a whole.

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